ATC Donor Offers Matching Gift




A donor wishing to remain anonymous has stepped up with a $200,000 gift to help Arizona Theatre Company (ATC) continue its recovery from financial challenges last summer. This gift needs to be matched by the end of ATC’s fiscal year on June 30, 2014.

Jessica L. Andrews, managing director, said that ATC does not carry a debt, but is still faced with “righting the ship” from the effects of a $1 million deficit at the end of last fiscal year. The current season reflects an operating budget reduction of $1.3 million, and next year will be held flat. 

“The only way to describe this year is ‘challenging,’ and that’s an understatement,” said Andrews, who came out of retirement to assist with the special fundraising campaign that was necessary in order to complete the past season. “We began the year in a deep financial hole, and it was very gratifying to see the outpouring of support from generous donors that helped us raise just over $1 million extra in cash and obtain $200,000 in short-term loans. It will take us longer than one season to get the organization back on a totally secure financial basis, but we have made progress. So this matching grant is an unexpected and generous chance to take another step closer to ending the year in a positive position. We are very grateful that one of our donors has offered to give ATC up to $200,000 if we can match it by the end of June.”

She said ATC continues cutting costs where possible, including not filling certain open positions. “We are operating on as tight a budget as we can, and our talented staff remains committed to the highest quality of artistry.”

Artistic Director David Ira Goldstein recently announced the six-production lineup for the 2014-15 season, which includes the Tony-Award winning Broadway hit Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, the classic thriller Wait Until Dark, the start of the national tour of the currently running off-Broadway musical hit Murder for Two, the world premiere of Five Presidents, Romeo and Juliet and Herbert Siguenza’s A Weekend with Pablo Picasso in both English and Spanish performances.

“We know we’re asking our donors and supporters to dig a little deeper for Arizona Theatre Company, and we don’t do that lightly,” Goldstein said. “Our community has demonstrated over and over again that they value the excellence and diversity of the work that ATC produces in Tucson and Phoenix, as well as our educational work all over the state. Our audiences have been remarkably generous toward our mission and we thank them.”

To make a donation of any amount that will be doubled up to $200,000, contact ATC’s development department at 

520-884-8210 in Tucson or 602-256-6899 in Phoenix. 

At top, Arizona Theatre Company Artistic Director David Ira Goldstein


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