Fresh Cravings Plants Salsa Garden to Benefit St. Vincent de Paul Families
Phoenix-based Fresh Cravings, a national snacking brand known for chilled salsas and hummus dips, has teamed up with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul this summer to plant a salsa garden to provide fresh produce for the families of St. Vincent de Paul.
Once the vegetables are ready to harvest, they will be used to help St. Vincent de Paul kitchen staff, who cook more than 4,500 meals every day across SVdP’s charity dining rooms.
Fresh Cravings is also providing an indoor garden for students in the summer program at SvdP’s Dream Center, which makes a difference in children’s lives by inspiring them to dream big about what is possible. The Dream Center helps heal systemic poverty for socioeconomically disadvantaged families by offering nutrition for the mind and body to every child who visits.
Fresh Cravings has already planted basil and hot peppers at St. Vincent de Paul’s Rob & Melani Walton Urban Farm and has additional garden-themed initiatives planned for the summer. The effort is part of Fresh Cravings’ 2022 Salsabrate™ The Good program, which focuses on fresh food access and nutrition education within the community.