S.E.E.4VETS receives $100K donation from late actor/veteran William E. Phipps

William Phipps

Valley based non-profit S.E.E.4VETS (Support Education and Employment for Vets) recently received a $100,000 donation from actor and veteran William E. Phipps.

Phipps, who appeared in dozens of classic sci-fi and westerns in films and on television, was the voice of Prince Charming in Disney’s original Cinderella. He also served as a Navy radioman between 1942 and 1945. He died in June at the age of 96.

The donation came through Phipps’ trust. Rear Admiral James Symonds, a member of the Board of Directors of S.E.E.4VETS, said the group is appreciative of the donation.

“Very rarely in life do you come across someone like William E. Phipps,” Symonds said. “When we consider his military service, love of our great country, and his magnificent acting ability, he leaves behind a tremendous legacy. As a career US Navy officer, myself, including assignment as Commanding Officer of the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN76) and ultimate promotion to Rear Admiral, and S.E.E4VETS board member, I am grateful for the incredibly generous contribution made to S.E.E.4VETS from his estate and on his behalf.”

The donation will support student veterans at community colleges to persist and advance in their academic studies. S.E.E.4VETS is the only non-profit veteran organization funding Arizona community colleges to prepare the under-prepared student veteran to improve their academic standing in math, English and writing.


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