New Pathways for Youth Lands More Than $1 Million in Investment From 5 Philanthropic Partners

Christy McClendon, New Pathways for Youth CEO

The Valley’s most at-risk youth will soon have considerably more support and resources available to them thanks to more than $1 million in investment that seeks to help them find mentors, develop their life and professional skills and otherwise position themselves for future success.

The investments, given to New Pathways for Youth from five local philanthropic organizations, among them the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, the BHHS Legacy Foundation, the Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation, the Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust and Thunderbirds Charities, will allow the nonprofit that assists Arizona’s most at-risk youths to extend its Capital Program Expansion. A strategic plan to double the impact and footprint of New Pathways over the next five years, the Capital Program Expansion will involve the recruitment of 1,500 mentors who can work one-on-one with local youths. It will also double the number of staff members available at New Pathways and provide additional space for them to serve the surrounding community.

“New Pathways for Youth has an outstanding formula of mentor training and building long-term relationships between mentors and mentees,” said Carol Peden Schilling, trustee chair for the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. “They help at-risk youth move on to college or the workplace. Their work in this community is vital, and we’re pleased to support them in expanding their reach to more Valley neighborhoods.”

To date, New Pathways has raised $3.9 million of its $5.7 million goal, with some of the funding going toward the purchase and renovation of an almost 11,000 square-foot facility in Downtown Phoenix. In addition to providing outdoor recreation space and a courtyard, the new building has a 100-person course room, 25 workshop rooms, case-planning rooms, a kitchen and community gathering spaces, among other amenities.

“We are honored that these long-respected Arizona institutions are investing in our future and the future of our youth,” said Christy McClendon, New Pathways for Youth CEO. “Their investment in our vision personifies the type of impact and transformation that is possible with our community of support.”

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