Charity Spotlight: Gesher Disability Resources

Gesher Disability Resources Supporting individuals with special needs in the Jewish community and their families so they can lead fuller lives Organization: Gesher Disability Resources Leadership: Executive director: Amy Hummell Board co-chairs: Wendy Horwitch and Nora Schaefer Annual Budget: $448,000 Origin: Formed in 1985 as the Council for Jews With Special Needs, this agency was […]

A 2nd Act: Food Is Love

Barro’s Pizza gives back, one slice at a time “We’re Italian, and food is love!” Gina Barro said enthusiastically. From its roots in Italy with Grandmother Angelina to the 40 locations spread across Arizona today, award-winning Barro’s Pizza carries on that tradition. But love from the Barro family goes far deeper than a thick and […]

Office Doors: A Day with Jeff Meshey

4 a.m.  >>  INVESTING IN PERSONAL WELL-BEING  The first thing I do every morning is my daily devotionals, immediately followed by exercise. Fortunately, my wife and I have an exercise gym in our basement, including two bikes, a treadmill and an elliptical. I ride eight miles on the exercise bike almost every day. It’s just […]

Frontdoors Magazine March/April 2021 Cover Story: Dr. Stacie Has Advice

Doctor, author and philanthropist talks wellness, philanthropy and living with vibrance. Dr. Stacie Stephenson has some advice for you. Quite a bit, actually, as she has taken her decades of experience in lifestyle medicine and turned it into a program designed to help you “get energized, own your health and glow.” And let’s get this […]

10 Questions: Tricee Thomas

When did your interest in fashion begin? My entire family has always loved fashion, but I was inspired by my grandmother. At the age of 4, I would play dress-up in her wardrobe and jewelry and thought it was the best thing in the world. I just knew it would be my life. Today, I […]

Open Doors: Time to Walk! And Breathe!

Spring is here, and so is that famous Arizona sunshine. If you’re like me, you need that little nudge to power down the laptop or pause the Netflix and spend more time outdoors. While we are still being cautious and not gathering in large groups, there are many community walks and events that you can […]

Pattern Play

Phoenix Art Museum showcases “Pattern Play: The Contemporary Designs of Jacqueline Groag” from April 4 to Aug. 9, 2015.