Romancing the Rails

Orient Express 5The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express has been the source of inspiration for many.
One of the oldest and modes of transportation can often be found at the heart of a great romance. The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express has been at the center of many such affairs.  Luxurious and legendary, these train voyages have been the mode of passage for royals, celebrities and spies.
Honeymooners and even murders have plotted their ways through the cinematic drama of the fabled Orient Express.  But, most agree, this train trip is far better than any film and you can play the starring role in this tale of romance.
Venice Simplon Orient Express At A Glance…

  • Destinations served include London, Paris, Venice, Rome, Krakow, Prague, Budapest, Dresden, Innsbruck and Istanbul.
  • Seventeen beautifully restored first-class Wagon-Lits carriages for 188 passengers with steward attendants.
  •  Three restaurant cars and the Bar Car, complete with baby grand piano.
  • The train travels through nine countries, selecting wines from those regions to serve aboard it.

Venice Simplon Orient-Express
Shackleton House
4 Battle Bridge Lane
London  SE1 2HP
OPEN THE FRONT DOOR TO Venice Simplon Orient-Express

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