Arizona Opera Opens its ‘Reimagined 2020/21 Season’

Caitlin Gotimer, soprano and Terrence Chin-Loy, tenor. Photos courtesy of Arizona Opera.

Opera lovers, rejoice! Arizona Opera will open its Reimagined 2020/21 Season with the inaugural presentation of the Studio Spotlight Series on Friday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m.

The performance will take place at the newly-named Shoshana B. and Robert S. Tancer Plaza at the Arizona Opera Center, and the livestream will be available at no cost on Arizona Opera’s new online channel, “Arizona Opera OnDemand.”

The recital will be performed in front of a small, socially distanced audience of invited guests. Live attendance at future performances will be made available to the public, subject to health and safety guidelines, and the Series will be regularly streamed throughout the year on Arizona Opera OnDemand.

The Oct. 2 Studio Spotlight premiere will feature performances by 2020/21 Marion Roose Pullin Opera Studio Artists Cheyanne Coss (soprano), Caitlin Gotimer (soprano), Michaela Wolz (mezzo-soprano), Terrence Chin-Loy (tenor), Rob McGinness (baritone) and Robert Bosworth (pianist).

Christopher Cano, Arizona Opera’s head of music & director of the Marion Roose Pullin Opera Studio, said, “I am thrilled Arizona Opera will present these six extraordinary talents through the Studio Spotlight Series. Audiences from around the globe will have an opportunity to tune in from the comfort of their own home to see what the Marion Roose Pullin Arizona Opera Studio is all about on a monthly basis, and watch these artists in performances of operatic favorites over the course of the season.”

Additional Studio Spotlight Series engagements will be held throughout Arizona Opera’s Reimagined 2020/21 Season, with future dates and times to be announced in the coming weeks. This Studio Spotlight Series concert also launches “Arizona Opera OnDemand,” a new online video platform that will bring the works of one of the world’s most treasured art forms into homes across the state and the world via streaming devices, including computers, phones, tablets and televisions.

Joseph Specter, the company’s president and general director, said, “The inaugural presentation of the Studio Spotlight Series on Oct. 2 at Tancer Plaza is an important launch to an innovative season that we hope will bring the works of our company into the homes of tens of thousands of people. We eagerly look forward to sharing this Series and our whole Reimagined Season with our Arizona Opera family, and those new to our organization and to our art form.”

To watch the performance, go to on Friday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m.

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