Dinner With Paula Wolfert

In late 2013, noted cookbook author Paula Wolfert

announced she had been diagnosed with early

stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Wolfert, who has

written numerous award-winning cookbooks, is

known for her books on Mediterranean food,

especially Moroccan. Now, she is one of 12

ambassadors traveling the United States to help

bring awareness and raise funds for Alzheimer’s

research and a cure.

On April 22, 120 guests joined Wolfert for dinner at the Paradise Valley home of Jamie Hormel. Five mixologists – Travis Nass (Lon’s at the Hermosa Inn), Steph Teslar (Bluehound), Michael Soo (Counter Intuitive), Clint Spotleson (Marriott Renaissance) and Micah Olson (Crudo) – provided an interesting array of cocktails during the reception, accompanied by an assortment of hors d’oeuvres prepared by Beau MacMillan from Sanctuary Resort.. The menu featured dishes from renowned Arizona chefs Kevin Binkley, Matt Carter, Aaron May, and James Porter. Christopher Gross prepared the desserts.

       Paula Wolfert with Christopher Gross

Gross chaired the dinner, with Hormel as the honorary chair. The evening raised more than $40,000 for the National Alzheimer’s Association.


(left) Enthusiastic experts man the kitchen

(right) Jamie Hormel and Christopher Gross


(left) Marie Learner, Amy Thurston and Robyn Lee

(right) Kevin Binkley, James Porter, Jamie Hormel, Aaron May, Beau MacMillan, Matt Carter


(left) Dr. and Mrs. Marwan Sabbagh. Dr. Sabbagh is with the Banner Sun Health Research Institute

(right) Barbara and Terry Fenzl


(left) Janet and Dr. Steven Lipsky

(right) Cindy Riding, Charles Kassels, Kristy Moore


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