2015 AFW Awards Luncheon


(left) Marilyn Seymann and Arizona Supreme Court Justice Rebecca White Berch

array(middle) Cindy Hensley McCain

array(right) Lin Sue Cooney and Congresswoman Linda Smith


More than 600 guests joined Arizona Foundation for Women staff,

volunteers and board of directors at its 19th Annual Awards Luncheon.

The April 16 luncheon was held at The Phoenician Resort.


Chevera Trillo, chairman of the AFW board of directors, provided greetings on behalf of the board and announced the release of the Research Report on the Status of Women and the Domestic Violence Awareness Event, both taking place later this year.

This year’s honorees focused on the S of SHE – Safety. They were:

Voice of Women Award: Former Congresswoman Linda Smith

Congresswoman Linda Smith represented the state of Washington’s Third Congressional District from 1995 to 1999 and is founder and president of Shared Hope International. Her award was presented by Chevera Trillo.

Marilyn R. Seymann Founder’s Award: Justice Rebecca White Berch

Justice Rebecca White Berch currently serves on the Arizona Supreme Court. She received her award from AFW Founder Marilyn Seymann.

Sandra Day O’Connor Lifetime Achievement Award: Cindy Hensley McCain

Cindy McCain is co-chair of the Arizona Human Trafficking Council and chair of the Human Trafficking Advisory Council for The McCain Institute for International Leadership. Her award was presented by Marilyn Carlson Nelson, 2014 recipient of the O’Connor Award.

A surprise announcement generated a lot of buzz. Maria Shriver will be the next year’s Sandra Day O’Connor Lifetime Achievement Award recipient as the 2016 luncheon will focus on the H in SHE — Health.

Lorraine Field chaired the luncheon. Serving as the luncheon emcee was Lin Sue Cooney, the award-winning weeknight news anchor for 12 News. Proceeds will help AFW continue to implement its programs as well as support the organizations that receive AFW grants. 




(left) Andrea Avelar shares her journey to success. She received tuition and other financial assistance from Helping Hands for Single Moms, an organization that was the recipient of an AFW grant. She recently completed her nursing degree.

(right) Marilyn Carlson Nelson


(left) Front row, first person (standing), Sara Presler, JD, AFW CEO; and third from left, Chevera Trillo, chairman of the AFW board of directors; with honorees and board members

(right) Luncheon volunteers

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