Applause! Kickoff


Gabrielle Van Buren, Jean Marley, Susie Wesley, McKenna Bruner, Abby Traister, Marisa Butler and Robert Machiz, front


Plans for Phoenix Theatre’s annual fundraising gala, Applause! were officially launched at

a coffee for the committee April 1 at the Paradise Valley home of Char and Bill Hubble.

Applause! 2015 is scheduled for Oct. 16. It will include a one-of-a-kind show written by Producing Artistic Director Michael Barnard. Proceeds from the annual occasion support Phoenix Theatre and its community outreach.

Susie Wesley and Jean Marley are chairing the October fundraiser, with McKenna Bruner and Abby Traister as their vice chairmen.

Gala honorees are Dr. Gladys McGarey, Cheryl Hintzen-Gaines, Carrie Martz, Bobby Barnes, Michael Pollack, Vicki Marce, and Erika and Matt Williams. Robert Machiz is the presenting sponsor and honorary chairman.



(left) Vincent VanVleet, Susie Wesley, Billie Jo Herberger, Lynne Love and Michael Barnard

array(right) Marilyn Alexander, Kim Cullum, Char Hubble and Billie Jo Herberger


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