Seriously Amazing Smithsonian

Smithsonian hosts educational

event to share snippet of offerings


The Viad Corporate Center was the site of The Seriously Amazing Smithsonian Event, hosted recently by Dr. Nancy Gwinn (left), director of the Smithsonian Libraries; Carolyn Johnsen, Smithsonian Libraries Advisory Board; Gay Wray, past chair of the Smithsonian National Board; and Ambassador Barbara Barrett, Smithsonian Board of Regents. The goal of the event was to share a snippet of what the Smithsonian Libraries have to offer as resources to students and educators as well as those who are simply on a quest to learn.

International best-selling author Steve Berry, who is also a Smithsonian Libraries board member, served as the emcee. From the Smithsonian were:

NICK PYENSON, curator of marine fossils. Pyenson digitzed the rare whalebone find and brought 3D images to share.

WENDY REAVES, curator of prints from the national portrait gallery.

STEVE TURNER, curator of medical instruments. Turner performed a 19th century experiment.

JOHN HASSE, curator of American Music. Hasse spoke on jazz.

LILA VEKERDY, head of rare books.

JEFFREY POST, curator of minerals. Post brought specimens from the national gem gallery.

ANDREW JOHNSON, geographer from air and space.

Guests visited stations explaining the focus of individual libraries – archaeology, books, gems, American history, space, music or the Portrait Gallery. People were given bags to fill with gifts relevant to that part of the Smithsonian. Among the gifts were small masks of Abraham Lincoln, notecards with images of former U.S. presidents, a notebook called “field notes” that archaeologists might use on digs, a kaleidoscope with images of monarch butterflies and more.

Brophy students shared with the guests apps available from the Smithsonian.



(left) Steve Turner performs a 19th century experiment

array(right) Seated: Ambassador Barbara Barrett and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Standing: Carolyn Johnsen and Gay Wray



(left) Jeffrey Post, curator of minerals shows Linda Herold a mineral specimen.

array(right) Gay Wray, Adrienne Schiffner and her granddaughter Annabelle Burchette, and Tochia Levine



(left) Rare books display

array(right) Guests enjoy jazz by C.C. Jones


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