800-Mile Hike for Cancer Research


Valley businessman resolves to complete

Arizona Trail to honor friend, raise money

for Barrow Neurological Institute


When avid outdoorsman Chip Tolleson of Phoenix learned his longtime friend Pete Kuehner, 53, was diagnosed with brain cancer, he naturally wanted to help. The question was, how? The answer came by way of the Arizona Trail. 

The 800-plus mile trail meanders from one end of Arizona to the other, from Mexico to Utah, through mountains, deserts, forests and canyons. Tolleson, 56, plans to cover every mile on foot to honor his friend and, at the same time, raise money to support brain cancer research at Barrow Neurological Institute.

Chip Tolleson (left) plans to hike the 800-mile Arizona Trail to honor his friend Pete Kuehner and raise money for brain cancer research.

Below, Tolleson recently hiked 14 miles in the Flagstaff area as part of his mission to conquer the complete Arizona Trail. His hope is to raise money for brain cancer research at Barrow Neurological Institute, where his best friend is being treated for a brain tumor.

The mission seems like the perfect match. Throughout their 17-year friendship, Tolleson and Kuehner have shared a love of the outdoors and spent a lot of time fishing, hunting and hiking together.

“Having known PK and his family for years, and having been on numerous trips with him, we always seem to have a great adventure,” said Tolleson. “When PK was diagnosed with cancer, the courage he displayed inspired me to do something not only for him but for everyone battling cancer.”


Taking on the Arizona Trail

will be an adventure, but I

want to raise money for

Barrow to find better brain

cancer treatments and –

ultimately – a cure.

As a full-time businessman running a couple of software/app and outdoor-advertising companies, Tolleson doesn’t have the time to hike the trail nonstop. Instead, he plans to tackle 8- to 34-mile sections of it over weekends and holidays, with the long-term goal of finishing the 800-mile journey by the end of 2016. To date, he’s already put nearly 100 miles behind him.

Tolleson is covering all his own expenses on this venture, but invites others to join him on the bigger quest to support brain cancer research. Donations will be accepted through Barrow Neurological Foundation for Barrow Neurological Institute, which is where Kuehner has been receiving treatment since his diagnosis in July 2013.

Tolleson’s progress will be followed on Facebook (Foundations of St. Joseph’s), where he’ll also share pictures and stories of his encounters along the trail. He says he is excited to spend his time exploring all types of the Arizona terrain, but the purpose of his mission holds far greater meaning. 

“Taking on the Arizona Trail will be an adventure, but more importantly I want to raise money for Barrow to find better brain cancer treatments and – ultimately – a cure. That’s what I want more than anything for my friend Pete Kuehner and anyone else suffering with this disease.” 

To make a donation supporting brain cancer research, visit SupportBarrow.org or call  602-406-3041.

Submitted by Drew Whitney, writer, Foundation Communications 


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