Jarred Rejuvenation


Neiman Marcus Scottsdale Announces


New Natura Bissé Product


Neiman Marcus Scottsdale has added a new product to its lineup

of facial skincare: Natura Bissé High Density Lift contour volume


The formula is a blend of concentrated cosmetic filling ingredients designed to promote the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid for long-term skin rejuvenation. Used daily as a skin booster, it can restore suppleness and volume. Natura Bissé High Density Lift is exclusive to Neiman Marcus Scottsdale.

Natura Bissé, headquartered in Barcelona where it was founded, launched in 1979 with five skin creams. By the end of the ’80s, the line included 150 skin products for the face and body and expanded to the U.S. market in 1990. The company touts a high concentration of active ingredients as key to its products’ effectiveness.

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