Catalyzing Arts and Culture in Arizona

Arizona Commission on the Arts

announces $1,874,910 in grants

to catalyze Arts and Culture

experiences across the State.


On July 10, 2014, the Arizona Commission on the Arts, an agency of the State of Arizona, announced 256 grants to nonprofit arts organizations, local arts agencies, schools and community organizations across the state in the categories of Community Investment, Arts Learning and Festivals. In total, $1,874,910 was invested through the annual competitive grant review process for fiscal year 2015.

A school play, a dance recital, a field trip to the museum, the day the art lady came to class with her finger paints and modeling clay–each of us can recall a formative experience with the arts that touched our heart, opened our mind and expanded our horizons,” said Robert Booker, executive director of the Arizona Commission on the Arts. “Through grants we support programming and services that ensure that these experiences are available and accessible to all Arizonans.”

Schools and nonprofit arts organizations receiving grants from the Arts Commission are awarded funding based on such factors as community investment, quality of programming and responsible stewardship of public funds.

Applications to the Arts Commission are reviewed in a rigorous panel process led by governor- appointed commissioners. Review panels comprise volunteer experts, arts practitioners and community leaders from rural, urban and suburban areas of the state.

Grants are funded by the State of Arizona and state funding awarded to the Arts Commission by the National Endowment for the Arts.

For the second year in a row, the governor joined the state legislature in acknowledging the importance of the arts to Arizona’s cities and towns by allocating an additional $1 million (derived from the otherwise inactive interest accrued on the state’s rainy-day fund) to the budget of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, bolstering the agency’s grantmaking activities and expansive services to Arizona’s arts sector.page1image19104page1image18832page1image18560

According to Booker, “This additional funding, secured through bipartisan legislative support, recognizes the myriad contributions of Arizona’s arts and culture sector to our state’s economic recovery.”

The arts and culture sector is a significant contributor to the economic health and livability of communities in Arizona. According to a recent report released by the Arizona Cultural Data Project Task Force, Arizona arts and culture organizations and their audiences generate an economic impact of over $500 million annually. 


About the Arizona Commission on the Arts 

l   The Arizona Commission on the Arts supports a statewide arts network. 

l   The Commission supports access to quality arts and arts education 

l   opportunities for all Arizona citizens; the development and retention 

l   of statewide jobs in the nonprofit arts, culture and education sectors;

l   and increased economic impact in local communities through arts-based 

l   partnerships that develop tax and small business revenue. 


l   For more information about the grants, services and programs of the

l   Arizona Commission on the Arts, visit


    Center Dance Ensemble:                                                             Greater Oro Valley Arts Council:                                               Phoenix Center for the Arts: 

    Copyright Tim Fuller 2014                                                         Photo courtesy Greater Oro Valley Arts Council                       Photo courtesy Phoenix Center for the Arts



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