New Name, Renewed Energy

With a new marketing program

and a new executive director,

Cancer Support Community

Arizona in downtown Phoenix

has entered 2015 with renewed

energy and focus.


Founded in Arizona as the Wellness Community in 1999, Cancer Support Community provides a comprehensive program of psychological and social support services to people diagnosed with cancer in the state of Arizona. As an affiliate of a national organization that merged with Gilda’s Clubs (named for Gilda Radner) in 2009 and changed its name from the Wellness Community to Cancer Support Community, it became apparent that the Arizona Community should align its name with the national organization. The local board agreed that Jan. 1, 2014, would be a good time to make this happen.

But when the name changed, both public awareness and the number of clients utilizing its vital services lessened.

Since then, the organization has relaunched its website created all new materials and made an effort to get the word out to cancer patients that the programs that have been helpful and healing to so many are available and growing.

Kathy Thomas (pictured above) has been with the organization since 2012, first as the chief operating officer. In 2014, she accepted the role of executive director. With a 20-year background as a CPA, she brings business leadership to Cancer Support Community. Her goals for the organization are to attain financial sustainability, increase public awareness and expand the Cancer Support Community’s impact on the community.



At the same time, she says, the very nature of Cancer Support Community requires “heart.” And that can’t get lost.

There is no institutional feel at Cancer Support Community. The home, itself, is heart. Located at 360 East Palm Lane in downtown Phoenix, the historic bungalow that houses the organization is a comfortable, nurturing environment for patients and their families who seek support through their cancer journeys. Behind the home is the Pavilion, a conference facility that offers a place for group meetings. In addition, the property boasts a separate space for the Teen and Family Center. The walls are adorned original artwork made in one of the many workshops available to clients.

“Cancer affects all ages. It comes in many types and stages. We serve them all,” says Thomas. “We’re not cancer or age specific.”

“Heart” can also be expressed as appreciation. “We want our board members and donors, past and present, to know we are thankful for their support, both financial and hands-on support.”

Some supporters have been with the organization since the beginning, including Paula and Bob Hardison. Bob Hardison’s company, hardison/downey construction, renovated the bungalow, and he became a board member and served as chair. Paula Hardison, who served as the Wellness Community executive director from 2004 to 2011, recently created a new fundraising event for Cancer Support Community. On March 28, 2015, Sharing Our Beauty & Strength, a fashion event in which 18 cancer patients and survivors modeled, netted $50,000. The morning event was held on the Community grounds.


Beauty & Strength fashion event, March 28, 2015


Nita and Phil Francis are also counted among the organization’s longtime supporters. Nita Francis and Dawn Carson Senger are co-chairing next fall’s Porch Party, the signature fundraising dinner – and it’s back on the “porch,” where it began, a move that speaks to a sense of community. The 2015 event on the porch is scheduled for Oct. 24.



The reach of Cancer Support Community is Valleywide, including programs in 16 locations, with walking clubs at malls, programs at Banner Good Samaritan, the Via Linda Senior Center, the Arizona Culinary Institute.

“In addition to what we offer here,” says Thomas, “we even have a partnership with Mountainside Fitness for people who are transitioning out of programs at the downtown Community. We are based on the concept of founder Harold Benjamin that if patients take an active role in their treatment and recovery, it will increase their chances of recovery and improve the quality of their life,” Thomas says.

Thomas’ goal is to sustain the “heart” by continuing renewed marketing efforts and keeping the organization on solid financial footing.

To learn more about Cancer Support Community, CLICK HERE.

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