Parties of Note


Two Phoenix Symphony Parties of Note gave 

supporters opportunities to enjoy warm hospitality 

in beautiful surroundings. 



Hosted by Silverleaf

March 19, 2015


Guests at the March 19 Party of Note hosted

by Silverleaf enjoyed the classic Mediterranean

50,000 square-foot Silverleaf Club.


A performance by Leslie Frey Anderegg, Acting

Assistant Principal Second Violin; Adrienne Geisler,

Section Second Violin; Mark Dix, Section Viola; and

Peter Anderegg, Acting Principal Cello; preceded

dinner in the elegant Silverleaf Clubhouse, surrounded

by the lush high desert of north Scottsdale.





Maestro Tito Munoz and Laura Pogue




(left) Laura Pogue, Vita Rowe and David Bornemann

(right) Kurt and Lynn Patton


(left) Cynthia Shevlin, Robert Swanson, Don Kredel and Marilyn Kredel

(right) Craig Shelley Maestro Tito Munoz


(left) Karen Thorn and Dennis Daniel

(right) Jean McCullough, Elaine Sarko, Carmen Potter and Helene Otlet


(left) Mr. and Mrs. Tom Keeler

(right) Tana and Brent Herrington




Hosted by Bruce Covill and Lucia Renshaw

April 14, 2015


Bruce Covill and Lucia Renshaw hosted an April 14

Party of Note in their Phoenix home. After cocktails

on the front lawn, guests enjoyed a collection of Oceanic

art that included carvings, weavings, pottery and other

art forms created by tribal members living on the islands

of the South Pacific. Contemporary art pieces fill the

remainder of the home.


Dian D’Avanzo, Assistant Concertmaster; Karen Sinclair,

Section First Violin; Mathieu Page-Bouchard, Acting

Associate Principal Viola; and Michael D’Avanzo,

Section Cello, performed on the patio. Mark Tarbell

prepared the evening’s dinner.


Lucia Renshaw and Bruce Covill




(right) Maestro Tito Munoz, Lucia Renshaw and Bruce Covill


(left) Marie Volpe, Tito Munoz, Hillary Wyley and Carol David

(right) Arlene Kilgore, Leila Henrich, Jan Segar, Cinnie Montague, Pat Grafius, Pat Sauer, David Sauer and Patty Xander-Schantes


(left) Frank Madia, Dafna Madia, Polly Levine

(right) Cocktails on the front lawn



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