Phoenix Farm Brings Fruit Tree Frenzy

The Urban Farm, a nearly 30-year-old Phoenix farm, is hosting its 18th annual Urban Farm Fruit Tree Education Program, which teaches community members how to create their own edible forests, transform their backyards with wood chips, how to successfully plant and grow fruit trees and much more.
“I have helped plant more than 15,000 fruit trees around the Valley, and I know we have thousands and thousands more to go,” said owner, Greg Peterson.
The events will kick off on Saturday, September 2 at Uptown Farmer’s Market in Phoenix. There will be three speakers — environmental consultant and scientist Rafael de Grenade, vegan athlete Jake Mace and Peterson.
The education program will also include webinars, free in-person classes, open houses to see full-grown trees on Peterson’s property, tours and the opportunity to pre-order the farm’s fruit trees.

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