Ladies of the Court present Fascinating ‘Legacy Luncheon’ with Susan Page and First Lady Namesake, Barbara Pierce Bush

Co-Chairs Carolyn O’Malley & Jan Lewis

The Event: Virtual Legacy Luncheon

The Cause: Sandra Day O’Connor Institute for American Democracy

Event Date: December 18, 2020

Luncheon Co-Chairs: Jan Lewis & Carolyn O’Malley

Keynote Speakers: USA Today political editor Susan Page, author of The Matriarch, the biography of Barbara Bush, was the keynote speaker along with Barbara Pierce Bush, the granddaughter and namesake of the late memorable First Lady.

Dollars Raised: $250,000+

Notable Moments: Chef Mark Tarbell of Tarbell’s restaurant created an optional commemorative menu utilizing Justice O’Connor‘s white bean chicken chili recipe served with tortillas and cornbread, which many guests chose to order for the view-from-home occasion.

To watch the recorded broadcast, please view here.

Photos Courtesy of the Sandra Day O’Connor Institute & Frontdoors Media

Susan Page & Barbara Pierce Bush
Susan Page with her book, The Matriarch
Barbara Pierce Bush
1994 Footage of Barbara Bush’s interview on Larry King Live
O’Connor Institute Board Member Mi-Ah Parrish served as Mistress of Ceremonies
O’Connor Institute President & CEO Sarah Suggs
The Legacy Luncheon always takes a look back at history. This TIME cover is from the week Justice O’Connor was named the first female Supreme Court Justice.
Hostess flowers

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