

Gala to benefit The Heard celebrates museum’s 85th anniversary

The Oct. 18 Moondance at the Heard celebrated the museum’s 85th anniversary. Business and philanthropic leaders enjoyed the elegant evening in the museum’s Spanish colonial style courtyard and the Freeport McMoRan Plaza at the Heard.

The gala paid tribute to each of the past chairs of the board of trustees. Ed Lowry, Heard chaiman from 1973 to 1975, spoke on behalf of the past chairs present for the occasion and shared his memories of the Heard as well as its established place in the community. Event co-chairs were Lee Peterson, chairman of the Heard Museum board of trustees, and Sue Navran, executive vice president of internal operations and general counsel at Blue Cross blue Shield of Arizona.

Cody Lynn Macy of Desert Dixie joined Mogollon this year and entertained guests with their country set, which brought guests to the dance floor. Arizona Taste catered the meal of seared peppered sea bass and seasoned beef tenderloin as well as passed hors d’oeuvres. The annual event supports the educational mission of the Heard Museum to provide engaging programs and exhibits that highlight the indigenous people and other cultures of the Southwest.


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It's always a marvelous night at the Heard Museum’s Moondance.


This Oct. 20, 350 guests enjoyed the outdoor party to benefit the Heard’s most essential educational programs, which endeavor to enhance the public’s knowledge and understanding of the diverse stories of American Indians. In all, the soiree raised $400,000.


Dressed in their best “cowboy cocktail,” partygoers enjoyed drinks, dinner and dancing to the music of Mogollon band (named such because the band members were all born and raised on the Mogollon Rim) in the Phelps Dodge Plaza.


Dinner featured fall fare: roasted butternut squash, spinach and arugula salad topped with cranberries and dressed with warm cider vinaigrette, blueberry corn muffins, coffee-rubbed beef tenderloin and more. White House Flowers topped the dinner tables with wrought iron candleholders surrounded by fall flowers and succulents.


The evening honored Senator Jon Kyl and his wife, Caryll, and was chaired by Mary Hudak and Mary Bonsall.


Photos coutesy SRP



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