Moon Valley NCL Celebration
The graduating senior class of National Charity League, Moon Valley Chapter was feted April 15 at Phoenix Art Museum. The theme was “en Vogue – Beautiful You, Beautiful Future!” Programs were modeled after Vogue magazine, featuring each young woman in full-page “cover shots.”
Starz Entertainment revved up the room with Madonna’s “Vogue” as the seniors entered the room in brightly colored dresses. They were individually escorted to the catwalk by their mothers, who were dressed in black and white, and each girl walked the catwalk to music of their choice as their individual accomplishments were read. Then the mothers presented their daughters with a rose and a sentimental letter.
The luncheon was prepared by Santa Barbara Catering and hosted by the young women from the NCL junior class. Susan Larsen, Kathy McElvogue and Anne Pharris were co-chairs for the class of 2013.