Derby Affair

About 350 very well-dressed guests showed up at the Montelucia Resort and Spa on May 4 to watch the 139th running of the Kentucky Derby. The men look dapper, but there’s no question that Derby Affair is the ladies’ day to shine. Most wore their finest hats – in all shapes and colors and topped with everything from flowers to fruit and horses.


All enjoyed the Southern cuisine prepared by chef Michael Cairns. Selections included Burgoo soup, black-eyed pea salad, Southern fried chicken, ham hock collard greens, barbecue pork sliders and a couple of favorites: mac and cheese and jumbo lump crab cakes.


For the desert table, Cairns’ bakery chef created a Derby horse completely out of chocolate. In addition, guests could divulge in minted julep parfait, peanut butter chocolate chip pie, Kentucky Derby pie and more.


A spectacular array of silent auction items kept bidders on their toes, including a $1,000 surprise box that featured a gold coin for the winner.


The Montelucia included Prado restaurant for the guests to use, making it an indoor-outdoor affair that provided access to air conditioning. Angelic Grove created the beautiful décor.


Homeward Bound used the occasion to honor US Airways, which has been a sponsor of the event from its inception.


Karen Pratte and Amy Moyes co-chaired the occasion, raising $200,000 for Homeward Bound. 

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Derby Affair

Homeward Bound has proved you don’t have to be in Lexington to enjoy the Derby on the first Saturday in May. About 450 guests dressed in their derby finest showed up at the Arizona Biltmore to bid on the silent auctions, place bets on races and enjoy the caloric Southern luncheon: fried chicken, grits, macaroni and cheese, and more.  


And, oh yes, mint juleps.


Jessica Sumner was named best-dressed lady, and Joshua Paul best-dressed gentleman. Among a sea of beautiful and fanciful hats, Angela Karp’s took the overall prize.


Kari Yatkowski is the founding chair and Eric Crown and Isabella King were honorary chairs of the event, which raised about $230,000 to benefit Homeward Bound. 

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