Be the Ball

On March 31, more than 650 guests strutted into “Bushwood Country Club,” aka CrackerJax in north Scottsdale, in their Caddyshack-themed attire. The evening raised more than $330,000 for Valley-based nonprofit notMYkid, founded by Debbie and Steve Moak to educate students, parents and faculty about teen behavioral issues.


The slogan for the evening was “Get out of the ballroom, and Be the Ball!” The Caddyshack theme incorporated a miniature golf tournament. The park was also open to guests to enjoy bumper boats, go-karts, the batting cage and more.


Instead of an auction, the committee chose a helicopter ball drop, selling pre-numbered golf balls for $20 each. A helicopter dropped the bags of balls onto a target at the driving range. The ball closest to the target won $5,000. The fun fundraiser raised more than $35,000.


The evening included dinner and dancing in addition to the golf. Ali Hudak and Kristy Kufel were the event chairs.

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