A Night to Remember
- The entertainment
- The entertainment
- Buddy Owens and Bill Lavidge
- Ken and Nancy Downey and Steve Hilton
- Julie and Bill Lavidge
- Liz Majerczyk and Suzanne Hilton
- Co-chairs Angela Sommer and Kathy Nemmers
- Diane Thurman, Katy Owens, Julie Lavidge and Kylie Lavidge
- Banner Health Foundation CEO Andy Kramer-Petersen, Don Petersen, Lorrie Reiman and Dr. Eric Reiman
- The Thurmans bid on a puppy.
- Sue Glawe, vice president community relations – Maricopa, BCBS; and Gene D’Adamo, vice president community relations, Republic Media
- The Women’s Council: Peggy Federico, Kathy Nemmers, Kelly Kindorf, Angela Sommer, Liz Majerczyk, Jo Switz and Tammy Fratantoni
In its seventh year, A Night to Remember, the signature fundraising event of Phoenix-based Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, raised more than a quarter million dollars in support of the institute’s Family and Community Services program.
The Oct. 19 outdoor occasion at the Musical Instrument Museum was dubbed “Under the Stars.” It brought together more than 200 philanthropists, physicians, patients and others touched by Alzheimer’s disease.
Co-chaired by Angela Sommer and Kathy Nemmers, the event was organized by Banner Alzheimer’s Foundation and the Women’s Council of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute.
Among the festivities was the presentation of the 2013 Powerful Mind Award to Bill and Julie Lavidge in recognition of their contributions and efforts to engage others in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Bill, CEO of The Lavidge Company, and Julie, member of the BAF board of directors and founding member of the Alzheimer’s education and advocacy group Women Inspiring Scientific Progress, jointly serve as vice chairs of The BAI Breakthrough Campaign, a $40 million initiative supporting the groundbreaking Alzheimer’s research and nationally recognized care programs at BAI. The Powerful Mind Award was presented by fellow BAF board and campaign cabinet member Gene D’Adamo, vice president of community relations for Republic Media.
Suzanne Hilton, BAF board member and advisory liaison for A Night to Remember, presented Women’s Council member Liz Majerczyk with the 2013 Ann Bey Award for Volunteer Service in honor of her exceptional dedication to raising awareness of Alzheimer’s and support for BAI.