Take Your Seat at the Table


More than 200 guests attended Feeding Matters’ inaugural Take Your Place at the Table Luncheon in early October to learn more about the complexities of pediatric feeding struggles. It is estimated that nearly 1 million infants and children have been identified as having severe feeding struggles, and that number will increase exponentially as diagnostic and medical advances provide earlier detection.

Founder and board chair Shannon Goldwater share that “children who struggle to eat have a real physical condition, causing them pain or an inability to digest food their bodies need. They are not just picky eaters.”

The afternoon event highlighted programs Feeding Matters, a mother’s story of raising two children with feeding struggles and a pediatrician’s perspective on this growing population of underserved children. The luncheon raised more than $62,000 that will directly support the programs of the organization.

“These meaningful gifts provide us the means to continue supporting the families and medical professionals who care for children affected by pediatric feeding struggles,” Chris Linn, executive director, said.

The Take Your Place at the Table Luncheon was sponsored by the Kiita Foundation, JRM Environmental and National Bank of Arizona.

Shannon and Bob Goldwater, event chairs



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