Childsplay Receives Grant

The National Endowment for the Arts has announced that Childsplay is one of 895 nonprofit organizations nationwide to receive an NEA Art Works grant. Childsplay is recommended for a $20,000 grant to support its production of nationally acclaimed playwright José Cruz Gonzales’ Super Cowgirl and Mighty Miracle.

Art Works grants support the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence: public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts and enhancing the livability of communities through the arts. The NEA received 1,528 eligible Art Works applications, requesting more than $75 million in funding. Of those applications, 895 are recommended for grants for a total of $ 23.4 million.


When a stray dog appears on the doorstep, it's love at first sight for 6-year old Cory, and the last straw for Grandma Autumn. Life hasn't been easy lately for either of these two, facing absent parents and lost homes. But in a delightfully surprising story filled with humor and heart, Super Cowgirl and Mighty Miracle reminds us love makes almost anything possible, even in hard times.



Super Cowgirl and Mighty Miracle 

Tempe Center for the Arts

March 22 – March 30, 2014, Saturdays at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.; Sundays at 1 p.m. 


Tempe Center for the Arts Box Office 490-350-2822, ext. 0. 

The play is recommended for age 5 and older

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