ASU’s Crow Honored

Carnegie Corporation of New York has announced four

recipients of its prestigious 2013 Academic Leadership Award, and ASU

President Michael M. Crow is among them. Each winner, an exceptional

president of a U.S. college or university, will be awarded a $500,000

grant to be used in support of his or her academic initiatives.


The other three 2013 honorees are: Duke University President 

Richard H. Brodhead, Stanford University President John L. Hennessy,

and Spelman College President Beverly Daniel Tatum.


Established in 2005, the Academic Leadership Award builds on Carnegie Corporation’s long tradition of developing and recognizing leadership in higher education. The award honors university presidents who are not only resourceful administrators and managers, but also have an interest in the liberal arts and a commitment to excellence and access, curricular innovation, reform of K-12 education, international engagement and the promotion of strong links between their institutions and their local communities.

The award is distinctive because it does not give money directly to the honoree. Rather, the $500,000 grant is given to each institution to be used at the discretion of the honoree to further each winner’s academic priorities. 

Crow has served as the president of Arizona State University since 2002. He has become nationally known for his commitment to innovation and to reinventing the research university model to emphasize access and excellence. In his inaugural speech, President Crow described a “New American University” measured, in large part, “not by who we exclude, but rather by who we include and how they succeed.” This has been the guiding principle of Crow’s administration.

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