One Million Dollars Raised for Girl Scouts – in One Day

Girl Scouts—Arizona Cactus-Pine Council successfully raised $1 million during its Million-Dollar Day of the Girl fundraising effort on October 11.
The organization raised funds with an email campaign and several events across the Valley. Efforts kicked off with a breakfast where Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton and Councilwoman Kate Gallego, a Girl Scout alumna, attended the breakfast and presented an official proclamation naming October 11 the Day of the Girl in Phoenix.
“There is straight line between the success of Girl Scouts and the success of our economy,” said Stanton.
The events concluded with a reception at the Parsons Leadership Center. The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation and other organizations offered matching grants that allowed donations to be quadrupled throughout the day.
“We are so grateful for the community’s support in helping us accomplish this immense goal – the most money we’ve ever raised in a single day in our 81-year history in Arizona,” said Tamara Woodbury, CEO of Girl Scouts—Arizona Cactus-Pine Council. “And a very special thanks to The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation for their ongoing support and to so many others who made large gifts and partnered with us.”
Funds raised will boost the organization’s Campaign for Girls initiative, which aims to expand Girl Scouting in Arizona and that led the construction of The Bob & Renee Parsons Leadership Center for Girls & Women at Camp South Mountain, which opened earlier this year.
“The Campaign for Girls is designed to achieve better outcomes for more girls by expanding Girl Scouting in Arizona,” said Woodbury. “Girl Scouts has been serving girls for 105 years and continues to be the best leadership experience for girls. We believe strongly in the importance of the all-girl, girl-led, and girl-friendly environment. Our data-backed and time-tested programs are intended to meet the unique needs and specific interests of girls, including the way they learn best.”
Donation efforts will continue through the end of the year in order to take full advantage of a $1.6 million matching grant from The Bob & Renee Parsons Foundation.

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