Bookmarked: What Ashley Busch is Reading

Ashley will represent the defending champions, the Aspen Valley polo club when she takes on the Monte Carlo Polo Team at the Bentley Scottsdale Polo Championships on November 11th at WestWorld of Scottsdale. She is married to NASCAR driver Kurt Busch.

READING: “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

“The last book I read was ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle and it inspired me to live my life to the fullest! To some, it may be classified as a self-help book, but to me, it reinforced my beliefs and reminded me how I want to live my life.

Throughout the book, Tolle discusses positivity, living in the moment and how to train yourself to accomplish your goals. I am blessed to lead a happy, full life surrounded with incredible people and a career I love. Everyday, no matter what is happening, I try to think positively which is why ‘The Power of Now’ has become such an important book to me.

Tolle reconfirmed my thoughts and beliefs on how I should live my life – his booked reassured me and was a soothing read. As he says in the book, you need to live in the moment and make every day count. While that can be tough at times, especially when you’re feeling down, it is so important to lift yourself back up and appreciate all the amazing things you have in life.

Whenever I’m on the polo field, I have to be present in the moment – I can’t get distracted by other things that will take my focus away from the game. Tolle’s book has given me the tools to succeed and be laser-focused while on the field. He also helped me become a better loser. Rather than harping on a loss or the past, I move on so I can put my all into the next game. Anyone can do this – you just need to be conscious, think positively and live in the moment to be your happiest self.”

About Mike Saucier

Mike Saucier is the Editor of Frontdoors Media. He can be reached at
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