Scottsdale Cited as One of the ‘Most Compassionate’ Cities in U.S.

Scottsdale has been named one of the “10 Most Compassionate Cities in America” by
The website ranked the 250 largest cities using criteria such as the percentage of income donated, volunteer rate, animal shelters and public charities per capita, percentage of people working in social services and for nonprofit organizations.
“People across the country, far from the media spotlight, are making a big difference in their communities, shelling out both cash for the needy and lots of their own time and effort,” wrote.
The top five compassionate cities were: Provo, UT; Ann Arbor, MI; Richmond, VA; Durham, NC; and Charleston, SC.
Scottsdale came in at #10 overall with a volunteer rate of 15.3% and 2.1% income donated. In its summary, cited the nonprofit Childhelp, which helps child abuse victims, Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary and Liberty Wildlife Rehabilitation Foundation.

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